YonBezwen lajan pou Limye ya: LINES FOR APPLICATION FOR THE...

Youngtoussaint Says...

YonBezwen lajan pou Limye ya:

HLPE Exam Purpose
The purpose of the HLPE is to assess Hawaiian Language acquisition and proficiency for appropriate placement into the Hawaiian language courses offered at UH Mānoa in order for students to meet the Hawaiian and/or Second Language undergraduate graduation requirement.

The HLPE is not a diagnostic test, nor is the HLPE a formative or summative assessment.

As a placement test, students must complete subsequent course work to demonstrate language skills acquired, and/or language competency or proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, listening and reasoning using Hawaiian Language over time. After placement by HLPE score into a Hawaiian language course, the student must pass the course (C not C- or better for HAW 102-202; B- or better for HAW 301-402) to demonstrate proficiency and competency in Hawaiian language acquisition.

Hdescribed, including the number of course credits and/or instructional hours required.

Complete and submit any forms that your university requires to inform officials of your HLPE placement results.

Results of the HLPE are emailed to all students.

If you prefer, on your registration form, you may provide a contact name and address and other information of the university official to whom the results of your HLPE will be sent. On the exam date, bring along a self-stamped, self-addressed no. 10 business envelope to mail your exam results.

Please specify the name, title, department, and mailing address.

ADA Accommodations
If you have a disability and related access needs, please contact the KOKUA program (UH Mānoa Disabled Student Services Office) at 956-7511, KOKUA [at] hawaii.edu, or report to the Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services.

Please know that we will work with you and KOKUA to meet your access needs based on disability documentation.

Specific information regarding receiving assistance during exams may be accessed by clicking here.

Hawaaii is not on the North American continent, you are a visitor, you can onbly cite the case, you will never be able to argue it.

Posted November 30 2023 at 6:02 PM

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