Haiti's Flag was changed in the 1936 Olympics presided by...
Sinejacone Says...
Haiti's Flag was changed in the 1936 Olympics presided by President Avery Brounnage of France.The Blue and Red with with the motto of Former President Alexandre Petion's motto (L"union Fait la Force", order not to confused it with Lichstenstein, with the rise of Aldoph Hitler on the World Stage, and Lichsenstein, a German Protocterate that had a non attack pact with Germany, the League of nations secretary general suggested that added the symbol in order for its athletes to participate, after the Olympics, the Parliament adopted left by the US Invasion the flag.Then again in 1957, after his controversial presidential victory Francois Duvalier changed the colors to Black and Red, but kept the emblem L'union Fait la Force, not to aggrevate the situation further.
Posted November 6 2021 at 7:22 PM
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