VIDEO: Bill Clinton di Gouvenman Martelly-Lamothe la pi Décisif ke tout lot yo
Gade video saa... Ancien President Americain an Bill Clinton declare ke Gouvènman Martelly-Lamothe la se Gouvenman ki pi decisif ke li janm travay avek nan peyi d'Haiti e pèsonèlman, sa fè-l an pil plezi... Misye fè declaration saa nan Clinton Global Initiative 2014 la nan lakou New York...
Le tan pran yon ti tan pou li te remesye Paul Farmer li di ki te inspire li pou li te ka fè plis travay an Haiti.
The Most decisive government I ever worked with... Clinton says of the Martelly-Lamothe government, over more issues...
C'est le Gouvernement le plus décisif avec lequel j'ai eu à travailler! » Par ces mots, l'ancien président américain, Bill Clinton, a témoigné sa satisfaction face aux progrès réalisés en Haïti par l'Administration Martelly-Lamothe depuis leur arrivée à la tête du pouvoir. Il a tenu cette déclaration, lors de la session annuelle du Clinton Global initiative.

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Video Comments (6)
As haitian citizen I completely agree if they don't see the progress made by this government(Martelly-Lamothe)they either blind or selfish.
Bien souvan se move lespri kap mete trouble nan zafe pey ayti, li anime kek moun, li pouse moun sa yo pou fe dezod nan avansman pey-a, min jodi-a Jezi di ase pou pep aysyin, fok li kalme soufrans pep la epil voye plase prezidan saa avek tout premier minis-li Lamothe.
I agree with the former President Clinton, in a short time, so many positive changes happen and i hope this administration continues to do the right thing for
Former president Bill Clinton said it all. He is in a better position to make such statements.
Bill is my favorite American president of the 21st century.
Regardless of your sentiment toward the actual government in Haiti and former president Bill Clinton himself, the facts do not
Jah love.
This is Bill Clinton doing his promotional and spreading propaganda.
The Tet Kale administration has only been decisive when it came to allowing foreign interests to come into Ayiti and steal and slaughter.
mwen mpa fè politik men si depitan peyi te gen yon gouvènman tankou gouvènman Martelly a nou tap evite anpil dlo nan je, paske nan ti kras tan li genyen an li fè plis ke tout sa kifè 10 zan yo, li panse pou peyi a li se pa poch li li vinn plen chapo ba pou
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