Haiti Youtube Videos

A list oa all Haiti Related videos on Youtube

Showing 51 - 60 of 1509 related videos:

VIDEO: Haitien Philippe Bourciquot, Undercover videotape misye nan move deal VIDEO: Haitien Philippe Bourciquot, Undercover videotape misye nan move deal
10,438 views • 2 Comments
Gade video saa... Haitian Ponzi Scheme - La Police videotape Philippe Bourciquot nan investigation yo tap mennen sou...
Video Komik  : Clifford Brandt ofri 10 million de goud pou moun ki jwenn Laurent Lamothe ak tout Godson Orelus Video Komik : Clifford Brandt ofri 10 million de goud pou moun ki jwenn Laurent Lamothe ak tout Godson Orelus
24,592 views • 3 Comments
Gade video komik sa a; Clifford Brandt declare li tande yo bay yon million de goud pou li, li minm lap deside mete 10...
VIDEO: Haiti - Reconstruction Port Cap Haitien - dekouvri poukisa VIDEO: Haiti - Reconstruction Port Cap Haitien - dekouvri poukisa
7,728 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... Haiti - $65 million pwal envesti pou reconstruction port Cap Haitien an... DEKOUVRI poukisa epi tou...
VIDEO: Haiti - Funeraille Ancien President Leslie Manigat VIDEO: Haiti - Funeraille Ancien President Leslie Manigat
9,245 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... Haiti Funeraille Nationale Ancien President Leslie Manigat... Anpil diyite te vini pou bay respe a...
VIDEO: Interview With Haiti Tourism Minister Stephanie Villedrouin - Rebranding Haiti VIDEO: Interview With Haiti Tourism Minister Stephanie Villedrouin - Rebranding Haiti
5,546 views • 2 Comments
Watch the video... Haiti tourism Minister Stephanie Villedrouin talks about progress being made in Haiti to attract...
VIDEO: A Beautiful River in Baraderes Haiti VIDEO: A Beautiful River in Baraderes Haiti
Watch the video... A Beautiful River In Baraderes Haiti, A truly inspiring boat ride along the Riviere des Baraderes...
VIDEO: Happy Haiti 2014 - Pharrell Williams Version VIDEO: Happy Haiti 2014 - Pharrell Williams Version
11,864 views • 3 Comments
Watch this video... a new Happy Haiti video with President Michel Martelly in it, Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe...
VIDEO: Haiti Helicopter Tour - Petionville, Port-au-Prince, Delmas, Cite Soleil VIDEO: Haiti Helicopter Tour - Petionville, Port-au-Prince, Delmas, Cite Soleil
8,584 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... Haiti Helicopter Tour - Petionville, Port-au-Prince, Delmas, Cite Soleil... MINUSTAH ale fe yon ti...
VIDEO: Mango Francique Haiti, yon kanpay pou vann li lotbo dlo VIDEO: Mango Francique Haiti, yon kanpay pou vann li lotbo dlo
6,361 views • 3 Comments
Gade video saa... Bel Mango Francique byen FRE ki soti Haiti. Sa se yon kanpay pou montre konsomate lotbo dlo yo ki ap...
Le Senateur Moise Jean Charles Qualifie Le President Martelly De  Cadavre Politique Le Senateur Moise Jean Charles Qualifie Le President Martelly De Cadavre Politique
Le Senateur Moise Jean Charles qualifie le President Martelly de cadavre politique.