Haiti Youtube Videos

A list oa all Haiti Related videos on Youtube

Showing 1 - 10 of 1509 related videos:

Gade Video sa: Goud la rele anmwey telman lap pran souflet nan men dola Gade Video sa: Goud la rele anmwey telman lap pran souflet nan men dola
6,083 views • 39 Comments
Gade video sa... Haitien sou rezo sosyo yo komik anpil wi, Christophe (goud la) ap plenyen pou jan Washington (Dola a...
Gade Video sa - Eske La police Chili gen rezon pou fason yo trete fanm Haitienne sa? Gade Video sa - Eske La police Chili gen rezon pou fason yo trete fanm Haitienne sa?
30,234 views • 83 Comments
Gade video sa... La police Chili gen rezon pou fason yo trete fanm Haitienne sa le ou rann kont ke la lwa peyi Chili...
VIDEO: Moise Jean Charles admet: OUI, question PetroCaribe a se just yon element VIDEO: Moise Jean Charles admet: OUI, question PetroCaribe a se just yon element
5,005 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa epi tande byen... Jounalis la mande Moise Jean Charles eske li pa panse mouvnam nwa e wouj li a ap bese...
VIDEO: Haitian History with Professor Bayyinah Bello VIDEO: Haitian History with Professor Bayyinah Bello
4,944 views • 23 Comments
Watch this video... Haitian History with Professor Bayyinah Bello. In this fascinating interview with leading Haitian...
VIDEO -  1804: The Hidden History of Haiti - Rock Newman interviews the producer of the Documentary VIDEO - 1804: The Hidden History of Haiti - Rock Newman interviews the producer of the Documentary
8,016 views • 1 Comments
Watch this video... An episode of The Rock Newman Show where he interviews Tariq Nasheed, producer of the hit...
VIDEO: Aux Cayes Haiti - Tout Rue Okay asfalte nan Karavan Chanjman an VIDEO: Aux Cayes Haiti - Tout Rue Okay asfalte nan Karavan Chanjman an
10,735 views • 7 Comments
Gade video sa a... Preske tout rue nan ville Aux Cayes finn asfalte nan zafe Caravanne Changement President Jovenel...
VIDEO - Divided Island: How Haiti and the Dominican Republic became two worlds VIDEO - Divided Island: How Haiti and the Dominican Republic became two worlds
35,380 views • 96 Comments
Watch this amazing video documentary... Divided island: How Haiti and the Dominican Republic became two worlds. The...
VIDEO: Tonton Bicha, Ou Pa EGARE... VIDEO: Tonton Bicha, Ou Pa EGARE...
11,687 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... Tonton Bicha di "Nou pa Egare!" "Sa se teren panou, che met che metes," Tonton bicha ap mountre le...
VIDEO: Micro-Hydro Electricity, is this what Haiti President Jovenel Moise has in mind? VIDEO: Micro-Hydro Electricity, is this what Haiti President Jovenel Moise has in mind?
4,773 views • 2 Comments
Watch this video... Could this be what Haiti President Jovenel Moise have in mind? Remote rural communities in other...
Haiti Tourism : Ile des Anglais, Saint-Louis du Sud Haiti Tourism : Ile des Anglais, Saint-Louis du Sud
Gade video saa.. Gade yon merveille ki ap gaspiye! Haiti destination touristique, Ile des Anglais, Saint-Louis du Sud...