Tional Criminal Police Organization, commonly known as...
400grenadiers Says...
tional Criminal Police Organization, commonly known as Interpol, despite widespread opposition from human rights activists.
"Mr Ahmed Nasser al-Raisi of the United Arab Emirates has been elected to the post of President (4-yr term)," Interpol tweeted on Thursday.
Raisi, who is currently the inspector general at the UAE's Interior Ministry, was elected as the new Interpol president during the international law enforcement body's General Assembly in the Turkish city of Istanbul.
The controversial appointment follows generous funding by the UAE for the Lyon, France-based organization.
Two British men, who were formerly imprisoned in the UAE, have recently accused Raisi of torture and filed legal complaints against him.
"He is absolutely responsible for torture.
The message his candidacy sends is that not only can you do this and get away with it, but be rewarded," Matthew Hedges, one of the ex-inmates, told The Guardian.
Posted November 26 2021 at 8:44 PM
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