VIDEO: Haiti - Senateur Youri Latortue pran gaz nan Manifestation anti Jovenel
Gade video sa a... Senateur Youri Latortue ki ap pale ak la presse, li ka kenbe je l louvri akoz gaz lakrimojen li sot pran.
Sa pase jounen Vendredi 20 Septembre 2019 la.

VIDEO: Senateur Youri Latortue fache paske La Police tante gaye manifestation an

VIDEO: Eske se vre yo pa pran $1,50 la ankò sou lajan transfè Haiti yo?
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Teachers and administrative staff went back to school in Mayotte on Monday, a week later than anticipated, because of the threat from cyclone Dikeledi that swept through last week.
The school district on the archipelago employs just over 10,000 people, including more than 8,000 teachers, who are preparing to welcome back some 117,000 students.
Many - staff and students alike - are still without shelter, water or electricity, over a month after Chido swept through.
Meet the Candidates: Uruguay
By Tara Hein and Michael Rendón Vera January
UNITED NATIONS--Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will soon visit Pearl Harbor in a gesture of remorse and respect commemorating the 75th anniversary of Imperial Japan's attack on Hawaii.
Recently Abe met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in yet another bid to resolve the long standing territorial dispute concerning the Kuril islands.
But the flurry of current diplomacy has largely overlooked a quiet if poignant recollection of the 60th anniversary of Japan's membership in the United Nations.
ench student researching the career paths of 2011 protesters in Tunisia has been held in the North African country since October 19 after a military judge ordered his detention, his supervisor said Thursday.
Victor Dupont, a 27-year-old doctoral student, had been in Tunisia for around 10 days conducting research interviews, Vincent Geisser, director of the Institute for Research and Studies on the Arab and Muslim Worlds at France's Aix-Marseille University, told AFP.
Kononov was born in 1997, in the United States.
She began to paint when she was three years old and her first exhibition took place in Brussels when Maria was only eight.
Despite the youth, she already had more than 30 personal exhibitions in major cities around the world, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, London, Paris, Vienna, Amsterdam, Milan, Rome, Bologna, New York, Melbourne, and many others.
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