VIDEO: Desandan esclav yo pa Africain. mesaj pou tout Haitien!
Haitiens, nous somme les vraies Israelites, Nos ennemies nous ont depouille de nos identites pour des annees, nous etions des refugies en afrique a cause de l'invasion des romain en Jerusalem, mais les Africain nous ont vendu au blanc.
C'est l'heure de retourner sur l'anciens Sentier, Car notre Dieu reigne encore, et il nous attendre a retourner a ses lois et commandments, pour nous sauver de nos enemis.
VIDEO: Hell Up In Haiti: Haitians Are Israelites Of The Tribe Of Levi
VIDEO: De Jérusalem à Port-au-Prince, l'Haitien est-il Juif, Pasteur Charles-Henri Pierre (# 2)
Video Comments (3)
Is it true when you have to dollarize your economy because of high inflation, low production.
Malaysie te sipose reporte Singapore nan tribinal, yo gen tan pou yo tou ye moun men yo pagentan pou ede moun vi avek sante:
The southern Indian state of Kerala recently introduced emergency measures to combat an infectious respiratory disease transmitted by bats - although we're not talking about Covid-19, but rather the Nipah virus.
It was the fourth such outbreak in Kerala since 2018. On this occasion, the state contained the virus within days and limited the fatalities to two, demonstrating why it has one of the best healthcare systems in India.
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