Manifestation in Haiti - Haiti Videos
Showing 1 - 10 of 20 related videos:
VIDEO: Haiti - Senateur Youri Latortue pran gaz nan Manifestation anti Jovenel
6,319 views • 32 Comments
Gade video sa a... Senateur Youri Latortue ki ap pale ak la presse, li ka kenbe je l louvri akoz gaz lakrimojen li sot...
VIDEO: Senateur Youri Latortue fache paske La Police tante gaye manifestation an
43,790 views • 36 Comments
Gade video sa a... Manifestation en Haiti vendredi 20 Sept 2019, Senateur Youri Latortue fache paske La Police tante...
VIDEO: Manifestation Haiti - Zone Faculte de Droit Port-au-Prince 16 Octobre 2018
4,315 views • 4 Comments
Gade video saa... Manifestation Haiti - Zone Faculte ede Droit Port-au-Prince 16 Octobre 2018
VIDEO: Haiti - Gro konplo ap fet pou kraze brize jounen 17 Octobre 2018 la. Non moun site, Lavi Jovenel an danje
8,113 views • 11 Comments
Gade video saa... Genyen gwo konplo ap fet pou mete haiti tet anba jounen 17 Octobre 2018 la. Nou moun site, Lavi...
Zen Pete : Yon moun Cite Soley deklare Reginald BOULOS ap bay MOTO nan Cite Soley pou fe moun pran lari al kraze brize
Mezanmi tande sa... Yon moun cite soley deklare Reginald BOULOS ak Dimitri Vorbe ap bay anpil moto nef nan anpil baz...
VIDEO: Haiti - Oposition an deklare Manifestation pi red nan peyi a, gade...
7,061 views • 1 Comments
Watch this video, the Haitian opposition announces manifestation will be every where in the country. They will do...
VIDEO: Haiti Manifestation, PHTK Pran Beton an, Jovenel Ou La Mort...
10,063 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... Haiti Manifestation - Patizan PHTK pran beton an 'Bannannman', gen ki di "Jovenel Ou La Mort".....
VIDEO: Haiti Grev kont pri Gaz la Nan Port-au-Prince jounen 2 Fev 2015
7,855 views • 2 Comments
Gade video saa... Haiti - Grev nan lari Port-au-Prince poute pri Gazoline ak Diesel ki tro cher... Jounen 2 Fevrier...
VIDEO: Haiti - La Police di OUI nou gen dwa fe Manifestation men fok Constitution an Respekte...
12,949 views • 4 Comments
Gade video saa... Chef la police Haiti a, Godson Orelus, di La Police pa ka anpeche manifestation fet nan peyi a men...
VIDEO: Haiti Manifestation 17 Oktob 2014 - Lavalas ak Opposition an pran Lari a jounen Lanmò Dessalines
Gade video saa... Haiti - te ten gwo manifestation jounen 17 Oktob 2014 la Lavalas ak Opposition an pran Lari a pou...