Haiti Politics
Showing 41 - 50 of 168 related videos:
VIDEO: Haiti Technology - Jovenel Moise ap pale de Posibilite Creation Call Centers en Haiti
6,808 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... Candida a la Presidence Jovenel Moise di se pa bannan selman li pwal plante, li pwal sevi ak...
VIDEO Haiti Elections - Jovenel Moise di Devlopman se nan nou pou li soti...
Gade video saa... Haiti Election, nan ouverture campagne electoral li nan Cap-Haitien, Candidat a pa presidence...
AUDIO: Haiti - Moise Jean Charles di lap armee tou baz 3 mwa apre li genyen elections
Me source divizyon Moise Jn Charles vs Newton St Juste: Moise te deside pou yo te bay seri gang zam. Newton deklare li...
VIDEO: Haitian Spring Valley Mayor Demeza Delhomme says I AM THE KING OF THE VILLAGE
7,960 views • 1 Comments
Watch the VIDEO... Demeza Delhomme, the Haitian Mayor of Spring Valley NY declares himself the "KING OF THE VILLAGE...
AUDIO: Haiti - Prezidan Martelly JOURE yon fanm nan Miragoane
15,691 views • 3 Comments
Tande AUDIO saa... Haiti - Prezidan Michel Martelly ap JOURE yon fanm nan Miragoane prandan yon kanpay electoral pou...
VIDEO: Haiti - Thierry Mayard Paul KONT Arnel Belizaire nan Contestation BCED - Part 1
Gade video saa... Haiti Elections Contestation - Premier pati Thierry Mayard Paul KONT Arnel Belizaire ki konteste li...
VIDEO: Haiti - Thierry Mayard Paul KONT Arnel Belizaire nan BCED - Part 3
Gade video saa... Haiti Elections Contestation - Premier pati Thierry Mayard Paul KONT Arnel Belizaire ki konteste li...
VIDEO: Haiti - Thierry Mayard Paul KONT Arnel Belizaire nan BCED - Part 2
Gade video saa... Haiti Elections Contestation - Dezyem pati Thierry Mayard Paul KONT Arnel Belizaire ki konteste li...
VIDEO: Haiti - PM Evans Paul depoze Dekre Lwa Elektoral la bay KEP a
6,800 views • 1 Comments
Gade video saa... Haiti - Premye Minis Evans Paul depoze dekre lwa elektoral la bay konsey electoral (KEP) a... Le...
VIDEO: Haiti - President Martelly denonse Manifestation yo ke Opposition an ap fe
19,116 views • 9 Comments
Gade video saa... Haiti - President Martelly di: "Sispann rele anmwe, ap voye wosh, ap boule kawotchou, sa pa yon...